Evelyne Rehfuss
In Germany, there is a special license to diagnose and treat people without
being a physician. This profession is called “Heilpraktiker” which means
alternative practitioner or natural health professional.
After 3 years of intensive studies in classical medicine and an exam carried
out by a district medical officer, I obtained the license in 2008 and since
then I am working in my own practice in Stockdorf. It is situated beautifully
in the valley of the small river Würm between Munich and Starnberg,
I specialized in Microkinesi Therapy, QiGong Healing and herbal medicine
which took additional several years of study and practice.
After completing intensive training in Microkinesi Therapy by Daniel
Grosjean, Wiltrud Kayser and Peter Wemhoff on all levels and working as an
assistant teacher for severals years, I am officially a teacher for Microkinesi
Therapy in Germany and English speaking countries since 2016.
In addition, since January 2016 I have been assisting Daniel Grosjean with his
classes in Southern France and Germany. This continues to help me being up to speed with his most recent
researches and discoveries.
As I am very much convinced of the qualities of Microkinesi Therapy, I am a founding member of the German
association „Verein Microkinesitherapie e.V.“ (formely known as “Microkinesitherapie Grosjean-Benini e.V.”) and
was a member of the board during its first years.
Extensive training over several years in Elixir Light Qi Gong and Qi Gong Healing (Medical Qi Gong), taught by
Master Robert Peng in the United States, enabled me to reach a deeper understanding of health and healing.
As a certified Elixir Light Qi Gong Teacher, I try to help my students discover their own self-healing potential.
To deepen my knowledge of the Internal Arts I am currently studying Qi Gong, Nei Gong, Nei Dan (Daoist
Alchemy), Taiji and Bagua with Damo Mitchell and his father Paul Mitchell. For further informaton regarding
Lotus Nei Gong International and their teachings I would like to refer you to lotusneigong.com .
I also received a one year training in herbal medicine in the Zentrum für Naturheilkunde in Munich, Germany.